Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Hervey Bay

Monday 19th
It is a little cloudy and cool which means our solar doesn't get as much power coming through so it was  probably a good thing that we had found a powered site for a couple of days.
We took a drive to Hervey Bay as Tim remembered being there in 1998.
We took a walk down the jetty but people weren't catching many fish. The tide was out a long way.
On the beach we discovered 1000s of these little blue crabs that walked forwards, sideways, whatever way they wanted but quickly dug themselves into the sand when we walked near them.
On our walk we found this bike fixing place with tools hanging off it. We had lunch there and it actually spat with rain! A little bit cool. But we can now swim in the sea if it gets warn enough! No crocodiles or stingers!
When we got back to Maryborough showgrounds the kids were playing and discovered a cane toad. So we got the shovel down off the car and got rid of it. They are quite big and ugly looking things. Our neighbours here are from Maitland in NSW. I told them I grew up near Maitland  SA and now I have met someone from the other Maitland!

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