Sunday, 2 June 2013

Hedland Christain Church

Sunday 2nd
We headed to the most north west CRC church in Australia! Hedland Christain Church. There were about 50 people and we were warmly greeted. They had a fantastic band. Drums, keyboard, bass guitar, 2 electric guitars and 3 back up vocals. It was enjoyable to sing with plus there were some great voices in the congregation which made the songs really take off. We sang Stronger, The stand and some other Hillsong. They knew the love of God which is so so good. One song we sang talked about the ends of the earth and Tim and I have been saying about the remoteness of some areas, yet I didn't get the impression that they felt like they were at the ends of the earth which is fantastic. They are very focused on missions and sending people out into other countries and supporting them as they help different villages. They have a great heart. I was just reminded today how God has really looked after us and continues to do so. We have missed bad weather miraculously, there has been little maintenance jobs, we have had cheep accommodation where people have said it will cost  a lot. We found Zane's jumper! So many things that we could over look, but I am so glad I am reminded of them because I love thanking Him, as He is so faithful to us, no matter where we are and who we are. His love is for everyone all the time! A funny story, last Sunday I was trying to get the washing done, at Tom Price, before we went to church and I was in the laundry realising I needed some more $1  coins. I knew someone had come into the laundry and was reading the newspaper but I didn't look at them as I just needed to find Tim to see if he had some $1. So me being focused on my job headed to the caravan to find Tim. The kids couldn't tell me where Tim had gone and I really wanted the money and I couldn't find any. How could he just disappear? Finally he did return and when I asked him where he was he said he came to the laundry to see me, started reading the newspaper then I just walked out without even acknowledging him. What. I didn't even notice my husband? How did I not notice him there?And you know what, he had the money I needed in his  pocket, there in the laundry. I think sometimes we make things hard for ourselves as we have our heads down , so focused when God wants us to stop and allow Him to help us in every thing. Tim was right there with what I needed and I walked right past him! I thought about that for a long time and realised that I need to take notice of the things and people around. I needed to allow God to guide me, us and watch the days be intertwined with amazing situations only He can bring about. A life full and exciting.

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