Friday, 10 May 2013


Friday 10th
We drove up to Geraldton , passed very ordinary small trees and not much pasture. As we got closer to Geraldton the trees got on more of a lean indicating a constant wind from the sea. We went shopping , adding to our list a lot of birthday food for Zane for tomorrow. The lady at the checkout said it is a very windy place here. She asked Manning if she could come on our holiday with us and he seemed to think that we could fit her in somewhere. We have booked into a great caravan park that has been kind to a big family again. We are very grateful to these people.

Once we were settled in Tim hit the shops again as he has been trying to work out our battery system in our caravan and trying to get the most out of our batteries. He decided to buy a battery charger so while we are using AC power we will top the batteries up as it seems our caravan system prevents the battery from being completely full. So he is making little improvements all the time. Yesterday the sun was out a lot and was pouring the power in but we have had a lot of grey days. Anyway all is working fine and I am happy that we have enough storage that I only have to go shopping once a week. When I was in Woollies there was an employee running around with a trolley that said "I am shopping for an online shopper" To me that is a fantastic idea. I could do my shopping on line and pick it up when I get to that town!!! I'm not on this holiday to shop so that would save me heaps of time!
I bought a new rubbish bin and Manning thought the lid would be a great hat!

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