Sunday, 14 July 2013

A Day Out

Sunday 7th
We had found out some families from around Tim's area had moved up here and we made contact with them and headed to the church they went to. It was Howard Springs Baptist which was closer to us. There were a lot of young families with kids and it functioned like one big family which is fantastic. We felt right at home with our mob! The music was good with some great singers and a ukulele! We got talking after church with some very friendly people and a lady came up to me and we talked for a while.  When she found out where we were staying she invited us to tea that night as they live very close to the caravan park. They really should be called the friendly church. Very good at making us feel welcome, even though we will not be staying on for any length of time. Also we caught up with the SA family and it was great talking to them and hearing their heart for the area. They have a real passion to make a difference and change the hopelessness into life, full lives with hope knowing that they are loved by God completely. That's exciting when you hear that. 
Anyway after all that chatting we headed to Casaurina to have lunch and do a little shopping. Josiah had some last minute things he had to buy for his birthday, lollies, food, etc. In the mall they have these great seats made out of wood which I thought some our creative friends would like to see. I only found 1 this time but I'm hoping next time I will find the other 1.

It's a nice shopping centre.
So we finished shopping and headed to Ian and Kym's place, just past the caravan park, for tea. We had a great time looking around their property and looking at their place. They had amazing stories of where they have lived and the jobs they had. Ian has had a lot to do with horses as a jackaroo, like a friend of ours back  home, and the stories of cattle work were great. We talked about church and about travelling as they have travelled quite a bit too, and Ian started to say that Eyre Peninsula South Australia was very familiar. As we talked he was remembering a couple they met on their travels and came up with a first name, but no last name. Then he talked more and I said "Could they come from Poochera?" thinking that the town name is so unusual that it might ring more bells. So many things started lining up that these guys that we had just met had spent some time with our friends on their holiday in Tas so I text them and they agree it was them. Isn't that amazing! They know our good friends in Poochera! I believe that's God. He loves to amaze us and line things up so we can marvel at how he does that and makes us laugh. That's just incredible. A lot of things had to happen for us to meet up with Ian and Kym and we are so glad we did.
So this is Ian and Kym's house on their 25 Acre block of trees, palms, creek, ant mounts, - an adventure park for the boys! This open house works up here because as soon as you close it in it gets hot and stuffy as the humidity is so high. They do have plans of being able to close it in but have air flow too.
Kym is in the light blue shirt and Ian is sitting down. Kym had her parents there too enjoying the warm weather and it was great meeting them. So this is their lounge room, bedroom and kitchen! They are amazing people and we spent a lot of time talking and laughing!
They had this little pony out the back. Ian has had a lot to do with horses in his life but this one is a little small for him! Polocross is quite popular up here.
They took us for a walk through their forest/ scrub to a clearing that has these termite mounds. Now we saw fat short ones back in WA which started around Coral Bay, then as we got to the top of WA the tall thin ones started but we haven't seen many of these north south dark grey mounds. So Kimberly is standing near the south end and Baylee is near the north end.
This is the same mound but I took it from the south end to show how thin they are and slightly curved. They are quite tall, towering above Josiah, Zane and Manning.

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