Sunday, 28 July 2013

Swimming Sunday

Sunday 28th
There was just enough time before church to start washing all the bedding. As the kids and I drag 4 garbage bags full of washing to the laundry we often get the comment " the work is never done is it!" This is true. The same jobs need to be tended to and you can never tick these off. They will be back again next week. BUT the weather up here is excellent for drying and I am still appreciating that.
9:30am we were at Isa Community Church. We all enjoyed the service and appreciate how much effort goes into putting church on for us to just rock up and enjoy it from the pew. The notices were a little clip on the screen and were well done with a couple that were very funny. The kids laughed and that was a great way of doing notices, that have to be done every week. You would look forward to that each week when it is like that.  Again great music and a heap of different nationalities there. The preaching was on missions and the Pastor spoke very passionately as he has done a lot of missions trips and says it changes your life seeing how others live. I so agree and this trip has been excellent for showing our family the diversity within Australia and how blessed we are. The Pastor talked about having passion in what you are doing, a purpose and drive. I have seen so many people without a drive, so much so that they are walking dead. Nothing to live for and the days just pass them by. That just makes me sad and I know it is sad for God as He created us to thrive and each person has purpose here on earth. Anyway it was good and again, we are so blessed!
Again it was lunch at McDonalds but we have discovered that we can save nearly $40 if we go to McDonalds for tea instead of lunch. Isn't that crazy! There are family meals that are only for tea and it would save us that much! It has taken us nearly 4 months to work that out. Please don't add up how much we could of saved, I don't want to think about it!!!
As we drove around Mt Isa we are noticing a lot of shops that are advertised on our tv channels back at Minnipa and it is funny to finally see them for real. We are so far from home and could never really make use of the places advertised yet when we see them they are familiar due to the tv. Funny. We are 2 weeks too early for the rodeo here in Mt Isa but we might catch one somewhere else.
We headed back to the caravan finishing off the washing then headed to the pool for a swim!
Looks lovely but it was as cold as surfers beach at Venus Bay! Ahhhh. Manning jumped in, popped up and frantically swam to the steps nearly crying and exclaimed "I HATE THIS WATER"
In the picture is Kimberly, Zane, Baylee laying down, Josiah and Manning bending over.
The rest of the day was taken up with putting clean clothes away, making beds and organising ready to head off tomorrow. Heading for Cairns and may not have signal for a while again.

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